I was watching a TV show, the other day.. and it was a debate on how some sections of the public are discriminated against, based on their profession, for example, or their marital status. The yardstick that was used to judge the discrimination was, for example, being able to get a girl (
yaarum ponnu kudukka mattendra) or, being able to get a house for rent. (or not)
namma tamizh TV shows
le, in the interest of good television, objectivity is thrown to the winds. In this episode, one of the two guests invited was a TV-serial actor and his wife. In response to a woman's claim that media-personnel had a reputation of being sexually promiscuous, or having "indecent" parties that involved liquor and women, this actor's wife said even if she was a member of the media, she had to cook for the husband, wash clothes, and wash the bathrooms and everything, and everybody applauded. The way I saw it, that was completely besides the point, and lady's question remained un-answered. The truth is, what people like to do is minimize the amount of risk in their lives. Life, is short, and the people would like to minimize the amount of time worrying about something, or being unhappy. And statistically, these sections of the public have been known to make bad tenants, or bad sons or daughters-in-law.
These people may not be all that bad. Or they might. But, in life, we simply don't have the time or the energy to deal with them if they turn out to be bad. That's just the way society works. One bad egg spoils it for everyone. Because somebody with our skin colour and a big beard is going around throwing high explosives at everybody, we get a lot of "Sir, Can you step aside, please?" everywhere we go. And like the host pointed out, likely that the discriminating people will get discriminated against elsewhere. And then they'll just have to deal with it. Its not like they're not gonna get discriminated against if they don't discriminate.. After all..I'm hardly likely to get into a backward class reservation somewhere just because I've rented my house to someone that the society condemns.