is everybody's buzzword.. and will be for a few weeks. Admittedly, I am reacting late, but then, seeing as I started blogging after he was elected, this is excusable. Barrack Hussein Obama, is the new sensation, in America, and as a consequence, all over the world. He's young, dynamic, plays basketball and that's about everything that our generation wants in a political leader. And, he has pointed out all along that the war on Iraq was pointless and the troops should be withdrawn.
Headlines all over the world though, read "Obama rewrites history" or something to that effect. That left me wondering.. how many people elected him with a concrete basis in mind? How many people voted for him because they wanted to see how it'd feel, rewriting history?In Tomorrow Never Dies, Elliot Carver says "The key to a great story is not What, When, Who or How that matters, its the Why." Obama does have a nice election manifesto, and a record of doing things right, but how many people actually looked into that? Because, I'm more inclined to think, people elected him because of the novelty factor. Its like you'd be more attracted towards, say, a pen that also attracts women, or pants, when you unzip them, open the neighbours garage door or launch a czechoslovakian satellite or something. I'm inclined to think that a lot of people (a lot more than i'm comfortable with) elected him because he was black. "That's brilliant, isn't it? He's black, and he's also a president." Some other people voted for him because they probably think "Well, the Republicans have played for two terms now, time to let the Democrats play." I'm also fairly sure some voted for him because of his alleged ties with terrorists "Lets see what happens..*diabolic laughter*" Then again, elections are rarely based on anything rational. You have the people who vote for someone because everybody else votes for him, you have the people who vote for someone because everybody else is voting for someone else, and you have people who vote because they feel obliged to. That's largely because, people aren't involved in the running of the state. Sure, they select the people who run the state, but then they don't have a say in anything that takes place over, say, the presidential term. So, people don't care as much as they should, about electing someone. That is a fundamental flaw in democracy, but that is the only practical way of going about doing things..and SOME democracy is better than none at all.
But soon, like everything else that's good, the relevance of "why" will cease to exist. Obama's come in at a crucial time in America's history, where its socio-economical dominance over the world is being questioned. Best we can do now is twiddle our thumbs until the next presidential election comes up and a America gets a Republican candidate who's a dwarf, has two heads or is the son of God. "Sir, meet the President of the United States of America. And the Son of God. And, wait till you see this! He can turn water into wine!"
My breakfast just landed on the floor, nutella side down. Watched the tamil version of "Khosla ka Ghosla" yesterday, but I think the hindi version's better. Mainly because of Boman Irani and Girl Whose Name I've Forgotten.
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